A quick way to reset an area is to center yourself into your consciousness(but no mind).... Observe only through the eyes and allow your senses to feel the issue... Allow pictures and feelings to come to you about the issue... I channel healings during this time and ask all whom help me to heal as well... I'm finding the area snaps back into place after each occurrence of the past trauma or emotion... Allowing anything else to come to the surface related to issue as well.... Something needs to exist in area and harmony is better than stagnant re-occurring memories or trauma...
Voice Of A Healer
To share my voice as a spiritual healer as one of the many of thousands before me and the ones to come... (Based off of Stormy Froom's book: Survival Healing 101)
Sunday, October 27, 2024
Friday, May 24, 2024
The Unknown
Within the fog of perceived time is where many of my experiences untold took place..... At times.... Time seemed to have stopped and activities of the unknown take place..... Dimensional doors lined with energy sources of the unknown.... Who are they? ..... I will never know..... Deeper this rabbit hole goes never knowing when it will stop.... As I grow older and the memories fade to dreams.... I wonder what it was all about.... But thank you to ones who have helped me live out my life for the experiences have made who I am today..... Peace
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
Times Of Survival
During times in which you need help pull the energy of whom you prostrate to..... Channel their energy throughout your existence by holding them into your mind and breathing them into the problem... Hold until you feel a calm.... And just let it go... Attempt not to hold on.... The ones we honor are masters to our survival.... They will help.... Depending on the sources of energy you will get different results... Peace
Monday, January 1, 2024
Living Through Healing
Finding how to live your life through the hazy fog of survival..... Some people don't know or will ever know how the pain window works.... Knowing your past programming and being in the present with strength takes time.... At least for me it took time... Realized that releasing programming comes with their emotions, thoughts and actions..... To a neutral state of being the only key to release.... But unfortunately seen as a bit of a robot... Taking apart my programming to see the flaws and strengths within.... Chaos externally was one of the things that you'll need to adapt to cause boy does healing manifest the chaos within.... Attracting and repelling new energies daily.... Healing for me was and still is a way of life.... But now allowing the chaos in seems to manifest in a more healthy direction.... Still honor the energies that help me and have a daily routine of healing but living my life has taken form... It is possible to live through pain and know strength once again....
Saturday, October 21, 2023
New Beginnings
Its funny that I reached a point in life that the way of healing has become secondary to my dream of living... My reality thought so many years ago wasn't possible as I hide in the dark corners of my existence searching for answers... I stood back from that precipice and started just liking myself and being more kind.... Not that I didn't before but now I don't carry the burdens of once was but rather of what may come.... An outlook given from an unknown source.... Maybe all that healing and all that time.... Change is inevitable.... Now it must be my time.... Because I'm living and not just surviving.... Peace to you all....
Monday, August 28, 2023
Lost to the moment, in the pursuit of happiness, being nice is all I seem to have.... Been channeling prayer and is more effective than other modalities... The ones I honor have been honoring back with healings... What more do I need?... So living my dream within my new reality that I manifested is my present.... Peace.... Take care out there...
Saturday, May 13, 2023
With my new healing modality I'm finding I'm not fighting for survival energetically and lack words now for my blog... So patience I guess.... While in transition and until the words find me... Peace
Saturday, April 8, 2023
Learning about oneness is not a foreign thing to me but yet seems so far away.... Being bruised and letting go of all that doesn't serve your highest best good on a path of healing in the present.... Get a feeling of oneness periodically... My back straightens and feel right inside... Connections within strangers but not within the chaos of the shell that houses my ignorance to it.... Hopefully that feeling will be my reality... Peace...
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Now a Certified VortexHealing® Practitioner
Attended the VortexHealing® Foundational Training and now I'm a certified practitioner.
For more info on VortexHealing®: https://vortexhealing.org
"VortexHealing®" is a registered service mark of R. Weinman VH Trust. All rights Reserved.
Monday, March 13, 2023
Manifesting Our Inner Selves
Energy wants to manifest through you.... Using caution with what is your true needs and wants is vital to stay healthy... Observation of your external and internal influences... Mark something in your system as harm for immunity and protection from if it doesn't seem its a direction true to your inner well being.... Don't be afraid to gain immunity but it may change into a different form and manifest another way... So caution.... Be aware....
Sunday, February 12, 2023
Growing Awareness
When something harmful is about to happen to you there is always signs, feelings, your body is reacting even if you're not consciously aware..... Many things can be predicted if you learn how to be sensitive enough but sometimes ignorance is good too (hehe), or smiling and pretending to ignore it.... Myself I am not as sensitive as I could be for I do live in illusions of ignorance filled with my issues to the surroundings at times but not always.....
Saturday, January 28, 2023
Becoming Like The Energy Source
Just think when you idolize a person or surround yourself in a particular energy for example happiness you start adapting yourself slowly towards that source of interest,.. Maybe you start watching more comedies or change your hair, on and on. Why because the belief of sanctuary for your ideological happiness for a period may exist in that singular thing..... So be cautious when selecting your source energies to honor... You'll start to become a reflection of it....
Sunday, January 1, 2023
A Technique
As your releasing ask the issue to heal you.... For it knows the reason for it to be there... Involve higher consciousness but let the issue guide you to the memories of your trauma or block or whatever... Observe, be aware and feel what is coming to the surface (memories or emotions).... Your energetic system wants to help you heal....
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Thoughts Within The Mind
It's easy to get lost in shadows of thoughts within the mind.... So finding a way to quiet it is a very useful tool.... I use meditation and observation as some of the tools... Meditation allows you to strengthen your concentration and focus... Observation allows you to hold it into a energy like love for a longer period of time... Our thoughts is one of the leaders manifesting our realities.... Patience with yourself it will quiet over time if given a chance....
Sunday, November 27, 2022
We are all connected and influence each other especially DNA relatives... But sometimes you need a separation within to know what is you and where the others begin... Internal protection is a good thing... Using intuition and feeling what comes in and and what goes out needs to be develop.. Ebb and flow like the tides.. We can't blame the world for all the programming we have but it does take some blame... It will keep you in a stagnant state if allowed for the benefit of others... Its up to you to want change and become self-aware to what you are manifesting or influencing..... You'll always be connected... Just how...
Thursday, November 10, 2022
Needs and Wants
I have had great success in finding some influences that are from me and from others when I am healing my needs and wants.... Some wants don't need to find life.... Needs need to become reality.... Food, shelter, personal well-being and many more are good needs and shouldn't be shadow of thoughts in hope... We can have prosperity even when others want it as well... Sharing the energy of prosperity is good and healthy even though some just take.... Heal within others taking without permission cause you can't drain your own cup empty it may never fill.... You need some prosperity to stay with you for prosperity is life.... You need to live... Peace....
Sunday, October 30, 2022
Touched By Evil
Some energy sources(people or other) can leave a mark on the person by programming the person with the traits they want.... Being forced to except their programming is not giving up... Log the changes within you or what you feel or what is your environment doing and treating you (important)... To adapt for survival until the time when you can free yourself from those chains forced upon you... Can be a painful experience to learn to adapt to this new situation but don't except it as truth just that one day you will find the cause and find immunity and protection from it.... Peace..............
Sunday, October 9, 2022
Flame Technique
Place whatever issue you have between your hands until you feel the energy (you can use my channeling tool)... Sense it... Then picture different colors of flames like pink for unconditional love... Golden flame for divine... White for purity.... on and on (use your intuition)... Slowly watch the flame melt (like a candle) your problems away...The source of the flame comes from you.... I have used this technique since I've been kundalini awakened... Something within has guided me to use it and now I offer the thought to you as a tool to use....
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
5 Things to Remember
Above all be nice.... Persistence and patience is key.... Thank your help and yourself,.... Forgive all for all and forgive yourself for all.... And don't forget to live in the now....
Saturday, September 3, 2022
Understanding Intentions
When the sun comes up.... All doesn't turn to good..... When the sun sets.... All becomes dark.... All doesn't become evil but intentions will remain the same..... Heal and release those intensions on the way to your divine blueprint... The easier it will become....
Consciousness Healing
A quick way to reset an area is to center yourself into your consciousness(but no mind).... Observe only through the eyes and allow your se...
Within the fog of perceived time is where many of my experiences untold took place..... At times.... Time seemed to have stopped and activi...
During times in which you need help pull the energy of whom you prostrate to..... Channel their energy throughout your existence by holding...
Finding how to live your life through the hazy fog of survival..... Some people don't know or will ever know how the pain window works.....