It's easy to get lost in shadows of thoughts within the mind.... So finding a way to quiet it is a very useful tool.... I use meditation and observation as some of the tools... Meditation allows you to strengthen your concentration and focus... Observation allows you to hold it into a energy like love for a longer period of time... Our thoughts is one of the leaders manifesting our realities.... Patience with yourself it will quiet over time if given a chance....
To share my voice as a spiritual healer as one of the many of thousands before me and the ones to come... (Based off of Stormy Froom's book: Survival Healing 101)
Consciousness Healing
A quick way to reset an area is to center yourself into your consciousness(but no mind).... Observe only through the eyes and allow your se...
Within the fog of perceived time is where many of my experiences untold took place..... At times.... Time seemed to have stopped and activi...
Finding how to live your life through the hazy fog of survival..... Some people don't know or will ever know how the pain window works.....
During times in which you need help pull the energy of whom you prostrate to..... Channel their energy throughout your existence by holding...