Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Developing Rapid Release

As you may have realized some of the issues need to be cleared quickly so that you can see under the surface... I have used prostrating in channeling(in my book), rituals(like LBR of Pentagram), and different techniques(ex: mantras) to free the clutter... Most issues are nothingness wanting a purpose.. Like ego...Not all things need to be removed and not all things need to stay, what releases is meant to... My belief is when in doubt heal and protect because you will feel a lot and see a lot of chaos around you but creating harmony for everything or everyone else except for yourself doesn't always help your survival... So surrendering our ideology to a higher vibration(prostration) works and is a simple way to rapidly heal....

Times Of Survival

 During times in which you need help pull the energy of whom you prostrate to..... Channel their energy throughout your existence by holding...