Thursday, December 30, 2021

Eclectic Healing

There are so many paths we can go down... Soo many choices to make....  It can be overwhelming... The path of Eclectic healing of choosing your energy sources that you want to work with is a personal intimate choice... Take your time and you can always change your mind if you want to.... The way is to move forward not sit in the past even though that's where our trauma lies... Here is a list of paths you might take in Wikipedia: According to some estimates, there are roughly 4,200 religions, churches, denominations, religious bodies, faith groups, tribes, cultures, movements, which at some point in the future will be countless... 

Tuesday, December 28, 2021


 Major world religions employ prostration as an act of submissiveness or worship to a supreme being or other worshiped entity.....To embody the lowering, submitting or relinquishing of the individual ego before a greater spiritual power or presence (Wikipedia - as we idolize the energy source we become like the energy source so pick them carefully... I use this a lot.....

Sunday, December 26, 2021


 When the sun comes up, all doesn't turn to good and when the sun sets, all becomes dark,  all doesn't become evil but  intentions will remain the same....Intentions are buried in all energy sources of love , hate, ego, on and on so when someone uses their energy to send out, intentions buried within may cause you harm but the owner may believe since they create harmony in them others' ideological beliefs will find harmony or not or don't care. Protection and healing helps sort what is good for you and not.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Kundalini Awakening

The majority of my kundalini awakening was years ago and I searched out a teacher to help me.... I found a Mystress and took her course of grounding and learning about some energies involved.... For the most part I was alone going through surges of energy flowing through my body.... Many physical pains and aches... A real dramatic thing that is hard to describe but only experienced... It took years for the flow to be regulated... I suggest it to people after they have researched the pros and cons because there is many of both... A lot of salt baths, prayers, and grounding meditations became my friend... 

Monday, December 20, 2021

Low Energy Levels

Healing can be all consuming and it takes major commitment somedays to continue on..... Energy levels may be low.... Use some simple healings like prayers, mantras, and even a salt bath ... Its like creating a simple band aid to help you.... Knowing when your levels return you can start diving in again....You can use the time to mark consciously that this is harm or an issue by saying consciously (this is harm, so be it... while picturing, feeling and imagining your problem)... Then when your better call all your harm into a prayer or channeling or ritual and start releasing it.... Releasing what was causing your problem.... This may last for 1 day then returns or 10 minutes.... But the duration becomes longer between times of having to release.. As you will find with most of your issues all dissipate with patience...

Friday, December 17, 2021

Loosing Ego

 When you have gotten to addressing ego you may feel a great sense of loss that you don't know who you are anymore... This is a temporary thing... Have patience and your ideology just reforms without it... Hard to describe the feeling of bliss and happiness when this core ideology has been addressed... It does come up periodically for me but for the most part the attachment to this nothingness gone gives great satisfaction.. An illusion that society has placed on you from birth... All those belief systems holding it in place... They mean nothing in the pursuit of internal happiness...

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Chaos of Healing (Change)

The reason I call this a path is because when you release one issue another seems to take its place (a continuous cycle).... So something that had no meaning to you months ago now its all you can think of... You start to attract the new energies into your life... Good and harmful depending on the issues coming up.... (Dharma protectors needed and a practice of rapid release)... Here is where to address root causes not just the ones on the surface because they are usually only indicators of your real issues under it.. By self-examining our emotions, thoughts, and actions we can have an indication of its relation to other pieces of the puzzle.... Quieting the mind through meditation or distracting the consciousness (ex: listening to mantras) to use your senses on the issues of the sub-consciousness through observation or feel.....

Monday, December 13, 2021

Dr Masaru Emoto's Water Experiments

 Dr Masaru Emoto's Water Experiments shows that the human vibrational energy, thoughts, words, ideas and music effect the molecular structure of water. The very same water that comprises over 70% of a human body and covers the same amount of our planet.

Youtube video link:

This is why energy protection is so important.....

Saturday, December 11, 2021


Just because someone has karma to give doesn't mean you have to except it... You will find as your issues release and develop protection you will pull away from the karma of others and start to develop a natural defense from it.. Also I should add your karma changes within... Attracting new energies... Karma i find can be a tool to maintain someone in their current situation to the benefit of another person and they will justify it using their beliefs... A weapon or a defense mechanism or just a word... It becomes your choice... Again nothingness wanting a purpose (when used as a weapon)...  Attempt to forgive all for all and forgive yourself for all and move forward...  

Thursday, December 9, 2021


For me...I overused(every and all day I channeled) the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram and it stopped harm from manifesting but also stopped me from manifesting the good in life as well (a neutrality).... Using rituals should not be overlooked to help but don't overuse causing harm.... Too much of a good thing.... Utilizing other paths for help like a dharma protector during and after this ritual will greaten your positive results desired because we are using it for our programming(harm and issues).... Protection for me is key especially in ritual work.... Peace

Monday, December 6, 2021

Having Issues Is OK

Having issues is OK.... Staying positive and know that doing this kind of work will bring up past trauma but its not you in the present... Your not the person you once were... You have grown and gotten wiser from your experiences... Letting go of your past is something to learn... I forgive all for all and forgive myself for all and attempt to move forward... Find the positive in your present is key... I'm always changing with the surges of energy throughout my body... With surges come issues... Release to make room for something else... Nothingness wanting purpose.... Its like a thought... One moment it there and the next it could be forgotten...

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Unpredictable Change (Manifesting)

 We are constantly manifesting our world around us positively and negatively.... As we heal we start creating our new reality around us without developing protection it could be harmful (mentally, emotionally, physically)... So that is why I use Dharma Protectors like Mahakala from Buddhism... Many other protectors will do but something is better than nothing... Our energy(emotional), creates thought(mental), which creates action(physical).... We must always be vigilant to not manifest or attract from other sources or yourself which we define as harm.... So monitor these three areas to see what we are trying to manifest... Your root issues will become very obvious over time...  Peace

Thursday, December 2, 2021


 I listen to many different paths playing mantras online on Youtube.... Just type in protection mantra or healing mantra in the search bar and you get many to choose from... Personally I like to google the energy source so I know who I'm requesting my intention from...For example: Mahakala or White Tara mantras for protection.... on and on... 

Here is a mantra mix that I made for fun and play all the time ... 


First mantra (Prostrating or Healing)

 Om Mani Padme Hum / Medicine Buddha / Ganesh mantra / Egyptian(El Ka Leem Om)

Second mantra (Dharma Protection)

 Mahakala(Buddhist) prayer / Mahakala(Buddhist) ritual / Sanskrit mantra


the 35 Buddha Practice for Prostrating Dharma or whatever

New Book Soon

 Happy to announce that I'm writing and drawing a new book. Based on my last 20 years of healing. Been drawing up a storm. The writing i...