The reason I call this a path is because when you release one issue another seems to take its place (a continuous cycle).... So something that had no meaning to you months ago now its all you can think of... You start to attract the new energies into your life... Good and harmful depending on the issues coming up.... (Dharma protectors needed and a practice of rapid release)... Here is where to address root causes not just the ones on the surface because they are usually only indicators of your real issues under it.. By self-examining our emotions, thoughts, and actions we can have an indication of its relation to other pieces of the puzzle.... Quieting the mind through meditation or distracting the consciousness (ex: listening to mantras) to use your senses on the issues of the sub-consciousness through observation or feel.....
To share my voice as a spiritual healer as one of the many of thousands before me and the ones to come... (Based off of Stormy Froom's book: Survival Healing 101)
New Book Soon
Happy to announce that I'm writing and drawing a new book. Based on my last 20 years of healing. Been drawing up a storm. The writing i...
Within the fog of perceived time is where many of my experiences untold took place..... At times.... Time seemed to have stopped and activi...
During times in which you need help pull the energy of whom you prostrate to..... Channel their energy throughout your existence by holding...
Finding how to live your life through the hazy fog of survival..... Some people don't know or will ever know how the pain window works.....