Saturday, December 4, 2021

Unpredictable Change (Manifesting)

 We are constantly manifesting our world around us positively and negatively.... As we heal we start creating our new reality around us without developing protection it could be harmful (mentally, emotionally, physically)... So that is why I use Dharma Protectors like Mahakala from Buddhism... Many other protectors will do but something is better than nothing... Our energy(emotional), creates thought(mental), which creates action(physical).... We must always be vigilant to not manifest or attract from other sources or yourself which we define as harm.... So monitor these three areas to see what we are trying to manifest... Your root issues will become very obvious over time...  Peace

Consciousness Healing

 A quick way to reset an area is to center yourself into your consciousness(but no mind).... Observe only through the eyes and allow your se...